The "American Brand" is Back!

At the end of a recent meeting with a Swedish Marketing Professor, he excitingly blurted out, “The American Brand is Back!” Although I had heard similar wording after an unknown Barack Obama appeared on the scene, his statement really stuck with me as our prior conversation was about branding and since he was the expert, it was nice to hear.

Indeed, our brand is back and what is quite amazing is that it seemed to happen overnight! The 8 years before Obama were disheartening for a variety of reasons, not the least of which includes playing a major role in the economic crisis in America and around the world. What some Americans may not know is how badly tarnished the "American Brand" was in Sweden and abroad during the Bush years. It was hurtful to hear and usually aimed at the top man in the White House. The message was consistent whether I was in Europe, Egypt or Africa. The focus was usually on his cowboy attitude or his lack of interest for matters outside of America, or his intellect. And it didn’t have to be that way.

Former President Bush had the empathy of the world in the palm of his hands after 9/11. Even though that day was horrific, he had the opportunity to bring the world together as a unified front in going after the terrorists. Instead, he chose the “my way or the highway” attitude along with his infamous remark, “You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror". ( In addition, he started a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. To add fuel to the fire, I can’t remember a time when he practiced his campaign slogan, “compassionate conservatism” when dealing with the global community.

He had to know that much of the world disapproved of his rhetoric along with the Iraq war. At the very least, he could have used his powerful pulpit and compassionate words to gently explain his stance and listen to the world community before making any rash decisions. If he cared about the "American Brand", he would have acted differently. He only seemed to care about his agenda and our brand suffered immensely for it.

How refreshing it is to have President Barack Obama in the White House. He has turned our brand from a negative to a high positive and has only served slighty more than 100 days. Some believe the brand changed the night Obama was elected! By most accounts, his first three months have been viewed favorably. He has been serious, ambitious, smart, open-minded, dogged, tough, calm, compassionate and curious. He has also pushed through significant parts of his agenda in a short period of time and was not afraid to explain his actions to the public via town meetings or press conferences. Despite the tough economic times, he has made America and the world FEEL GOOD and that is priceless.

Like President Clinton, I have never heard anyone wonder about the intellectual or creative curiosity of President Obama. With President Bush, that was typically one of the main criticisms whether it was fair or not. One thing people overlook is that Bush made himself President for 8 years and one can’t be dumb to accomplish that. A world leader should be a cut above the norm so I am happy that our current President will never be questioned in terms of intellect.

Now that our brand is sparkling again, we need to nurture and protect it and that cannot be done with business as usual. If our new President is to succeed, Americans from Seattle to Mississippi to Maine and abroad must follow his lead and begin to change patterns so that we can become a strong America once again.

Below are 7 areas where America needs to improve:

1) "Stop Being Stupid" – Bob Herbert from the NY Times wrote a wonderful editorial with that title about Americans and the role we played in helping the USA economy bloom into a disaster. A quote from and a link to the article is below. Most of us only have ourselves to blame for the position we are in as irresponsible choices dwarfed responsible choices particularly over the last decade. We must THINK intently before we act on any important decision in our lives. One question I always ask myself before any significant decision is “What is the Benefit”? If there is none, I don’t do it. You can view my article on BENEFITS in the January 2009 articles section to your right.

Somehow, over the past few decades, that has become the American way: to pay for things — from wars to Wall Street bonuses to flat-screen TVs to video games — with money that wasn’t there.

2) Food and Exercise – It is frightening how fat our nation has become and especially our children. We must embrace the phrase “Everything in Moderation”, particularly when it comes to eating. As parents, we must do a better job in monitoring what our children eat. In addition, we need to get up off the couch or from behind the computer screen and move our bodies a couple of times a week. Even if it's only 30 minutes of walking three times a week, it is important to be consistent in your exercise.

3) Travel – Can more of us please travel outside of America? I know some educated and financially sound individuals who have never been outside of the United States. In addition, less than 25% of Americans have a passport which is a shame. We should care more about our brothers and sisters around the world and the best way to show that we care is by visiting other cultures. It is an invaluable experience to spend a week breathing the air of a city unlike any you have seen before. You will be touched in ways you cannot imagine if you just have the courage to spend some time abroad.

4) Living Abroad
– Before I moved to Sweden, a friend who had lived abroad told me and others sitting at the table that everyone should spend at least one year living in another country. He had just come back from his time in Europe and you could see the joy in his face and feel the satisfaction in his words when he described his experience. I will never forget that moment. For any young person, be bold and take the big step to live in a foreign country. It will change your life!

5) Education
- Without a solid upbringing and quality education, it can be difficult to find success in life. In this regard, black Americans are near the bottom of the pole despite the fact that there are prominent black CEO’s and a black president. My hope is that since Barack Obama has reached the top, it will inspire black youth as well as youth of all colors to do better and achieve more. The disturbing facts from black conservative Shelby Steele's editorial will put things into perspective: (click on link for full story)

The black illegitimacy rate remains at 70%. Blacks did worse on the SAT in 2000 than in 1990. Fifty-five percent of all federal prisoners are black, though we are only 13% of the population. The academic achievement gap between blacks and whites persists even for the black middle class.


6) Sports
– The culture of sports in America is a passionate and thrilling experience. Having seen success in sports change the lives of so many (including yours truly) in a positive way, it saddens me to see those who could have made it but didn’t. I grew up with or have known numerous young men and woman who had the sports talent to achieve a collegiate scholarship yet failed to do so. Instead, they didn’t focus on school or had babies at a young age or became involved with the wrong crowd or didn’t work hard enough on their chosen sport. Many never got out of their home town with some now only existing in life. A few of these individuals were MUCH more talented than I was and would have bloomed in college if the focus and desire was in their heart.

I was fortunate because I had a mentor along with quality parents. Many kids don’t although there usually is one person around a talented youth who does want them to succeed and stay away from life’s temptations. If you are one of those youth, grab onto that person or find a positive mentor in your life to help you succeed. No one can do it alone.

7) Giving – In my view, no life is considered successful unless there is an element of quality giving involved. It doesn’t matter how one gives (i.e. money, time, coaching, mentorship, volunteering); what is important is to be consistent and passionate in your giving endeavors.

One of the greatest Americans said this about giving:

Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.

--Martin Luther King

I have faith that we can improve in the aforementioned areas because Americans have a wonderful spirit and it beamed brightly when we elected a president who we desperately needed in these dire times. We are blessed to have him as our leader. I don’t think it's a coincidence that President Obama embodies the positive side of the elements above which has a lot to do with his universal appeal.

We need to embrace our uniqueness as individuals, begin to improve as people and in our community so that we will not only be viewed as well-rounded American citizens but also global citizens of the world. In addition, it is imperative to always keep the "American Brand" top of mind whether it be a conversation, an action or travelling in other countries. It's important to be liked and respected around the globe and if one has a caring and compassionate soul, likability will shimmer and the brand will continue to glow.

It is essential that we NEVER allow our country to be run by any leader who doesn’t enhance or respect the "American Brand". There is no benefit in having a President who weakens the brand and doesn’t show the slightest interest in how America is viewed around the world.

I have been and always will be proud to be an American. If we can show through our actions that we want to improve our heath, our children, our travel, our education, our giving, our knowledge of other cultures and our decision making, I will be beaming with even more pride.

The "American Brand" is back! Let’s pledge to work hard and smart to keep it that way.

Happy Gswede Sunday!

Let's keep the "American Brand" flying high!

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