A Poem for my Mother

I’ve written several poem and/or letters for my mother over the years. She reminded me recently about one I wrote in high school – words I had forgotten about yet they still touch her heart decades later.

Earlier this week, she received a poem I produced for Mother’s day. Poetry doesn’t come easy for me although I enjoy the challenge and creativity of the process.

These 2011 words give a snapshot of my dear mother and how she raised me. 3 key elements of her parenting style were love, boundaries and discipline. In my opinion, one can’t go wrong with consistency in those areas.

From the moment I became a parent 4 years ago, it was obvious how important her teachings were……..and still are.

Poignant words from a favorite song should remind everyone how crucial it is to speak fondly to or write sincerely about those you care for:

So here's a few words from your kid brother
If you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell um
People never get the flowers while they could smell um
-- Kanye West’s “Big Brother”

Don’t be afraid to tell someone how much you care. Today, not tomorrow.

My poem titled, “The Love of my Mother” is below.

Happy Gswede Sunday!

The Love of my Mother

Reflecting on childhood
Do you know what my fondest memory would be?
....Not gifts at Christmas
....Not nice clothes I wore
....Not early sports success
Two words – Love & Security

Is there anything warmer or more endearing
Than a child knowing their world is safe and secure?

With love and protection, I thought my life was the norm
Yet, seeing promising souls begin to disinigrate
Made me wonder, contemplate – now I was torn

What did I have that they lacked?
So I stayed on a focused path
It soon became obvious
As it wasn’t hard to do the math

Two capable parents
Taking their roles seriously
Loving me fiercely
Despite their marriage woes
The focus remained on me

My mother was the catalyst
Promoting education so I wouldn’t lose
On nights I didn’t have homework
She gave me her own; daring me to refuse

Basketball entered my world at 9
I was an instant success!
My mother’s mission didn’t change
Be kind, ambitious, work hard and do your best

A momentary lapse of boredom at 11
Made me the class clown
When mom was called to school one day
All I remember is the frown

Soon thereafter, I got simple advice
Direct words that were crystal clear
“If I ever come back to this school George,
Basketball is over my dear”!

One of many lessons taught early on
By a mother unwilling to waste my or her time
My antics quickly changed
Never again caught in a school bind

A popular high school athlete
Put on a pedestal for my basketball game
Praise and adoration were constant
Life would never be the same

Did my mom gloat, brag or make my ego swell higher?
Au Contraire
She kept educating and teaching
And chasing that goal, she never got tired

Because of her values, discipline and boundaries
Along with her loving care
Never doubted for a minute
That I would have a strong parental flare

Giving me the tools I needed
To be a good man, good husband and wise father of two
Now the ball’s in my court
To follow those lessons through

Even missing her only child in Sweden
Rarely getting to see his face
She keeps her head held high
Handling it magnificently…..with an eloquent grace

Marvelling at how well she taught me
With plenty of obstacles to bear
Never wavering, losing passion or complaining
Only persevering with a steady care

I’ve had an interesting, fun and dynamic life
Expecting no regrets until I die
Maybe her most important lesson lies in the confidence to embrace the bold words…..
I Believe I can Fly.

May 2011 in New England, USA - (Picture by Mia)


PQuann said...

Wonderful words, George. You make your mother proud and bring a tear to my eye, a pull at my heart!

She did an excellent job rasing you as you and Matilda will do with your own children.

Hugs Kisses to you all!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful and touching poem. Your mother loves you so much and often talks about you. You are her heart! I see that you recognize this based on these kind words and the attention you regularly demonstrate to her by your calls, inclusion, and the family pictures you send her. May you alway be blessed for your goodness!

Anonymous said...

Nice. I, too, was blessed with two wonderful parents. And they knew I knew it.

kim Astrand said...

Eloquent grace! Wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful! Is there more? Can you send me the rest? Is your
mom still alive? I asked you aboout her before and you didn't respond.
I saw your writings about your wifes mom passing. Hope you are well.