Love's in Need of Love Today

When Stevie Wonder was a twenty-something, he gave us an album called, “Songs in the Key of Life”. For a young artist to produce such a beautiful, profound and relevant collection of songs was (and still is) inspiring.

One of many favorites from this classic 1976 album is “Love’s in Need of Love Today”.  A few verses are below:

Hate’s going round
Breaking many hearts
Stop it please
Before its gone too far

The force of evil plans
To make you its possession
And it will if we let it
Destroy ev-er-y-body

We all must take
Precautionary measures
If love and peace
You treasure
Then you’ll hear me when I say

Oh that
Love’s in need of love today

While listening to this song, one may think of the global terrorism threat (the force of EVIL plans, to make you its possession). Terrorism is indeed one of our biggest challenges although other underlying evils include but are not limited to:

-- The rising tide of anti-intellectualism and hate in America since President Obama was elected.

-- The discrimination many foreigners face when they apply for a decent job in Sweden.

-- The greed of powerful banks and organizations around the world - arrogance that led to the world financial crises.

-- The awful food many of our children are given (particularly in the USA) at school and in the home.

In addition, hate and evil manifest in the way some of us or people we know treat family and friends, when narcissism rears its ugly head with those solely concerned with their own well being or in the lack of empathy, care and action displayed for those less fortunate souls around the globe.

To improve on these evils, we must adhere to Stevie’s words when he says, “We must all take precautionary measures, if love and peace you treasure”.

Precautionary measures come in many forms but the one thing they cannot lack is the boldness to peacefully confront, acknowledge your disdain for or keep out of your life those:

-- Who spew uneducated, hateful or racist words/actions.

-- Who discriminate against a qualified job candidate mainly because they aren’t comfortable with him/her.

-- Who are allowed to risk shareholder money with little or no consequences when the risk turns sour or puts the company in a dour financial situation.

-- Family or friends who don’t act in your best interests or are hateful/jealous.

-- Who care ONLY about themselves EVEN if they are a part of the family.

-- Parents you know or family members who give their precious children chips for dinner, coke at 2 years old or don’t prioritize proper nutrition. I have seen all the aforementioned and have heard of much worst. (the chips for dinner was given to a one year old in Sweden)

I implore you to listen to the song and reflect on which side of the fence you and those around you are on. Are you an asset to the evil or lack of love side or do you fall into the category of  “Compassion, Love and Peace”?

Let's all remember the words below and be diligent in spreading more positive love in our own circles, families, occupations and to our struggling brothers and sisters around the world.

Love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay, send yours in right away

Happy Gswede Sunday!

The beauty of sky, flight and water - Picture by Mia


Anonymous said...

Consider this message as love. Per your request in your eloquent entry, I am going to push the "Publish Your Comment" button now, knowing how this recent news of the electoral results in Sweden has served as a wake-up call for people of all backgrounds. Some people may have heard what Stevie sang, but they weren't listening; och ibland är det viktigt att hjälpa till. Kärlek är i behöv av kärlek idag.

Anonymous said...

Another big chunk of love coming your way swooooosh!