Leisure Time - Do you get enough?

After a much needed and intense 90 minute sports massage last month, a question came to my mind.

Why don't more people take advantage of LEISURE time?

There are many reasons why but one of the biggest is the Rush,Rush world we live in. Another is putting others first and YOU second.

When you hear the word LEISURE, what do you think of?

A long walk? Bath? Sauna? Massage? Running? Those things definitely qualify but what people fail to realize is that leisure can be anything that you enjoy or are passionate about.

What about calling friends that you don't often see?

Playing with your kids? The best leisure!

Working out?

Gardening? Painting?

Raising money for those less fortunate? Volunteering?

Taking a language class? A dance class?

A bike ride?

Writing a letter? Reading a book?

Hiking? Golfing?

Singing in a choir?

Leisure possibilities are endless and most of us know what we like. For some, making the time is a challenge but the effort should always be made.

Many use the people (spouse, family member) or time excuse for not getting leisure time. They only need to be a little stronger or bolder. "Things to do" or "unhappy people" will always try to stop you but who ultimately gets hurt as the years fly by?

A good friend loves the outdoors (boats, running, hiking) yet hardly gets to do any of his joys because his spouse doesn't share his passion. So he suffers. Why not do some of his leisure activities without her? Having opposite tastes is difficult in a relationship but is no reason to give up what you like.

I'm not saying that you should leisure every day of the week or neglect your family for leisure. That would be irresponsible. Making time for your pleasures can take as little as a few minutes a day or extra time at night/on the weekend.

Below you will find part of an insightful interview from the New York Times. (see link for full article) It will open your eyes if you have a quest for gaining some leisure time.


Q. How do you define leisure?
A. Believe it or not, the field of leisure studies is a big area of academic study. Leisure has many different definitions — some involving time, some relating to an activity being done, some relating to state of mind. Personally, I am most at leisure when I feel free, present and integrated. I like this definition for myself because it allows me to experience leisure at any moment, even in just a few minutes. Leisure can happen when we are in various states: artistic or creative, physical, intellectual, social, spiritual, learning new things, volunteering, active, passive, or as a spectator or participant. One can be emotionally connected and engaged or not. And we can even have leisure at work and be more productive, healthy and creative.
If you care about your well-being, your family's happiness and achieving a balanced life, finding time for LEISURE is essential.

My life wouldn't be as fulfilled if I couldn't do my leisure activities.

It is part of my daily routine.

Is it for you?

Happy Gswede Sunday!
LEISURE time in its finest form - My wife enjoying the beach and a book on a lovely summer day in the south of Sweden

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