Resolve to be Happy

If someone were to ask me to select a quote that could impact a substantial part of our global population, if adhered to, I would choose this one:

“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”
(Helen Keller)

You may say…”Being happy is not that simple or easy to do."

I would say, “Why not?" In my opinion, happiness is a state of mind, not a state of circumstances.

I’m close to several people who many would trade lives with in less than a second, yet happiness eludes them. Even with a multitude of life advantages, they are continuously looking for more or are never satisfied. It’s very hard to be happy that way.

I wrote about one such friend below; a guy who nearly threw his good life away. He’s in a much better place now.

Many of the happiest people I know don’t have lots of money and aren’t the most successful, yet they display happiness in abundance and never fail to inspire me. They are grateful for what they have and find joy in whatever comes their way. Some have very tough lives but keep happiness in their heart.

I write from experience as I wasn’t happy for a period of time in my mid 20’s.  Adjusting to the real world after college wasn’t easy after a childhood of double privilege – good parents and glorious formative years as a high school basketball star. In addition, I had the rare and comfortable college experience as a “basketball scholarship student-athlete” at the University of Vermont.

Unbeknownst to me, Boston would provide the struggle that was missing in my earlier years.

Overall, my 4 years in Boston were good and I met numerous new friends; many of whom are still close to me. In addition, my career was flowing smoothly, yet my lack of optimism and happiness was apparent from time to time. I knew I couldn’t live this way. Even though life was progressing well and I was being responsible, there were moments when I couldn’t see it or feel it or be it - the essence of unhappiness

I don’t remember how or why I was inspired to “choose happiness”, although I clearly remember the moment. It coincided with a move from Boston to Pennsylvania (maybe the catalyst) and it was as if a big 12k (26lb) weight was lifted from my shoulders. It felt great!  I silently made a commitment to be happy for as long as I lived.

My life since then has been fantastic, yet like most, not without its share of challenges, disappointments and difficulties. During the trying times, happiness kept me going in a positive direction. That happiness resolve was like a lighting bolt at times – brightening up some of my most unsettling situations. Also, I made sure to stay surrounded by joyful friends as it was easy to feed off their positivity.

Everyone struggles at some point and Boston was my time.

"Because of the Boston trials and tribulations, I was a better, kinder, stronger & more prepared man for what was to come - most notably 10 fabulous years in New York City, happy travels to Europe & living as an ex-pat in Sweden. Without Beantown, I would not have been ready to tackle my diverse life."

If you are not happy, be bold and make the changes necessary. The path towards happiness is waiting.  It may require a simple remedy like mine (attitude adjustment) or a more complex approach.  Do what it takes and make the commitment.

SEE the good in your life, FEEL the love of friends and family around you and BE in the moment.

Resolve to Be Happy.

Happy Gswede Sunday!

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