
As I was leaving the International School my kids attend one day last month, I started randomly singing the words to Stevie Wonder's 'Overjoyed' - a long-time favorite song. I love when lyrics pop into my head and the words flow effortlessly.

And though you don't believe that they do
They do come true
For did my dreams 
Come true when I looked at you
(Overjoyed- Stevie Wonder)

I'm joyful daily for the life I have been blessed with, along with being grateful for my loving wife, healthy kids and a strong group of caring friends and family.

The love and happiness at the school that morning for 'World Cultural Day' was inspiring. It was easy to be overjoyed. Watching the student body (50 nationalities) and many proud parents enjoying the moment and each other was heart-warming.

Those types of moments exemplify what many of us need to do more of  - namely to embrace diversity. One of the most important things we can do in our daily journey is to continue to or start to 'Embrace The Diversity in Our World', along with opening up our children to the beauty and differences of the youth around them. Children often need a push to get out of their comfort zone of sameness.

Next time you are in a room (after work, on vacation, at a party, with friends or attending an event, etc), take a look around and examine the diversity. You may be surprised by what you don't see. It's a simple and quick way to get one sense of the diversity in your life. If you tend to see people who look like you or think like you or act like you, chances are that your world (and most likely your children too) needs a higher dose of diversity.

I realize that diversity is not appealing to everyone. I know a few people and families where that is the case. It's disheartening, especially for the young children who are taught not to embrace diversity, even though diversity will be almost impossible for them to avoid and essential to navigate in order to have a well-rounded life.

In my eyes, one of the most beautiful sights is a room full of diversity. I saw it in full bloom that morning and see it often. I hope you do too.

Happy Gswede Sunday!

World Cultural Day

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