My Favorite “Gswede Sunday” Articles – Year 1

Last month was the 3 year anniversary of my blog (Gswede Sunday). When I began this writing experience in March 2008, I had no idea it would become my top personal passion. I love to write and it usually came easy to me although I didn’t do enough of it prior to my first article.

What’s interesting is that I started the blog in the midst of the busiest time in my life. I had a one year old son and another child on the way. In addition, my wife had a demanding job and I was in the 5th month of my half-year parental leave.

The biggest help came from my friend Sheldon, who gave me a gentle push; I started soon thereafter. He’s frequently encouraged me to give the world more of my thoughts as he usually enjoyed my philosophy on life. It was inspiring to get that final nudge from him!

It took some time to find my rhythm and style although the process was fulfilling. The challenge is still present to create a weekly story that I like which pleases me. I never want to feel too comfortable with the writing process.

Below are 15 (title, a quote and link) of my favorite articles from Year 1. Some tended to be more popular with my readers and those are included as well. If you have read some of my past articles, I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day. My appreciation runs deep for all my readers.

Finally, if what you love to do most is missing from you life, I encourage you to act on or find that passion today, not tomorrow. Being busy or not having time should not be an excuse. In conversations with friends throughout the years, it’s clear that “Me Time” frequently takes a backseat to the daily routines in life. In my opinion, doing what you love (if only for an hour a week) should always be in the driver’s seat!

My life has improved immeasurably from my weekly blog and it’s one of the biggest joys in my life. I cannot imagine a life without putting pen to paper.

Happy Gswede Sunday!
Are you Better off now than you were 4 Years ago? – March 23, 2008

A quote:
Life should be about progressing and improving in the aforementioned areas but sadly far too many people don't examine their life at all. No one can be great in all these areas but these are key areas to look at, work on and monitor for success and happiness.

CHOOSE WISELY for marriage – March 30, 2008

A quote:
A successful friend (and good man) didn't choose wisely when he met and married a woman that was not someone he was really interested in or anything like the women he had dated before. He now has a child and is a shade above miserable although he puts on a good face. Sad thing is, he knew better and always chose wisely in the past. A weak moment may cost him a lifetime of pain.

Ken Mack - A Unique Perspective on Barack Obama – April 20, 2008

A quote:
Ken's success has never surprised me. Like Obama, he is smart, focused and knew what he wanted to do from an early age. That dream has been fulfilled and he is currently a tenured professor at Harvard Law School.

Temptation - Don't Fall for it – April 27, 2008

A quote:
A good friend of mine was frequently tempted with women when he was single. He is an engaging, charming and smart man. That combination has massive appeal. Fortunately, he survived his single life relatively unscathed although there was some luck involved

Leisure Time - Do you get enough? – May 11, 2008

A quote:
Many use the people (spouse, family member) or time excuse for not getting leisure time. They only need to be a little stronger or bolder. "Things to do" or "unhappy people" will always try to stop you but who ultimately gets hurt as the years fly by?

Welcome to Swedish Paradise – June 8, 2008

A quote:
Since the weather has been warm and delightful for weeks, we were happy to embrace the Swedish archipelago for a few days. After an easy drive north to a small ferry, we reached our island destination in 75 minutes. The final part of our journey was a short and relaxing motorboat ride to the house.

Are you making POWER MOVES? – July 3, 2008

A quote:

Moves that one makes in life to advance personal and business goals, increase quality of life, help others, inspire and be a productive citizen / positive family person. The moves must be primarily positive and advance the aforementioned areas forward more often than not. In ANY situation, POWER MOVES should be top of mind.

Take the EMOTION out of it – July 20, 2008

A quote:
An emotional attachment to someone or something often makes a person forget about the potential downside and only focus on the upside. Emotion is a great thing but it has to be used with caution. Emotion with wise decision making is the best way to live life and often leads to success. Emotion with unwise decisions will give you a life at best, decent and at worst, miserable beyond belief. Who really wants the latter?

Equal or better, Preferably BETTER – August 10, 2008

A quote:
Definition for Equal or Better, Preferably Better:

To consider someone for relationships/marriage ONLY if they are equal or better to your qualities and/or characteristics as an individual. That doesn't mean that everything has to be the same but overall, she/he should be on a level playing field with you. Equal is the lowest you should accept. Ideally, the person should be BETTER so that you can learn from them and have even more power and strength as a couple which will help immensely in the inevitable tough times.

Sept 11, 2001 - Pain, Giving, Renewal – Sept 21, 2008

A quote:
Not long after, I knew something terrible was happening when I saw on TV, a fireball explosion of immense intensity in the other tower. As we now know, that was the next airplane hitting the 2nd tower, a scene that was played over and over during the morning and is as horrific to watch now as it was then.

Mistakes - Responsible or Irresponsible? – September 28, 2008

A quote:
There are two kinds of mistakes in life, Responsible or Irresponsible.

The focus tends to be on (and should) the BIG irresponsible ones like adultery. misguided relationships or bad parenting but there are a host of others that can cause just as much misery including family, career, financial or lack of common sense.

World Financial Crisis - Are you swimming or sinking? – October 12, 2008

A quote:
There are very few good things about this disheartening financial crises and it will strongly affect many people and countries for years to come. If you adhered to most of the aforementioned lessons, your pain is probably at worst bearable. If not, your pain is at best bearable and at worst a hole that you will never financially recover from.

Losing your Life: All at Once or One Day at a Time – Nov 16, 2008

A quote:
Two of the most dynamic and appealing men I know are as they say, "caught between a rock and a hard place". Lately, they have been on my mind as they have common ground in life similarities and level of marital suffering.

GIVING is More Important than Ever – December 21, 2008

A quote:
There is an abundance of quality giving and I get inspired daily by articles I read, moments I see or stories I am told. Unfortunately, there is still a portion of our world (including some I know), who don’t do enough and only live in their tiny “ME” bubble. That must change and those of us who do give must challenge and encourage those less inclined to do more or at least do something on a consistent basis.

Losing our Dads, Gaining a Son – December 28, 2008

A quote:
My father was an intelligent, humble, loving and giving man who tried his hardest to be the best father that he could. As I said at his funeral, “he wasn’t a great father but he was a good father”. While we had our differences (and arguments) when I was younger, when I look back, our confrontations are almost laughable as my father was stubborn and frustrated in not being able to impose his wisdom on me and I was arrogant in thinking I knew what was best for me. We both should have been more open-minded.


The pond in front of my father-in-law's house - Southern Sweden

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