Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?

President Reagan crushed Jimmy Carter with that question in the 1980 Presidential debate. It is a question that everyone should ask themselves at least every 4 years.

Here are some you might want to consider.

Is your marriage and/or relationship better?

If you don't have the above and want one, do you seek the right opportunities?

Is your health better? Do you exercise more or less?

Are your finances better? Do you have a budget?

Is your family unit more cohesive?

Are you in the job you desire?

Have you improved or evolved as a person? Do you care about improving as a person?

Do you see your true friends more or less? Do you stay in touch with friends or important contacts if only by email?

Are your BENEFITS in life increasing or decreasing? Do you know that everything in life should have a BENEFIT?

Has your giving or volunteering been consistent or enhanced? Do you give at all?

Do you have more or less contact with your parents/siblings/family?

Do you spend more or less time with your children?

Have you made more Irresponsible mistakes or Responsible mistakes?

Are you less patient or more patient?

More Positive or less positive?

Is your world international or local? Have you been outside of your country?

Do you worry more and do less? Or worry less and do more?

Do you have goals? Are they written or paper?

Life should be about progressing and improving in the aforementioned areas but sadly far too many people don't examine their life at all. No one can be great in all these areas but these are key areas to look at, work on and monitor for success and happiness.

The first one is crucial. Without a good marriage/relationship (one that is consistently worked on and grows), life will be at best plain and at worst miserable.

If you have a bad relationship or marriage that you know will never blossom, don't be afraid to make changes. Why suffer? If you have a bad situation, Take the emotion out of it if only for a moment and things should start to be clear.

If you have something good, work hard to sustain it and make it better. Never take it for granted. Many people seem to think that good marriages/relationships are easy but that couldn't be further from the truth. It takes hard work.

If you are looking for a partner in life, make sure you a) know what you want, b) seek all opportunities to get it, and the most important is c) choose wisely, meaning to make sure the choice is proper, what you desire and not based totally on emotion.

Is your life better off now than it was 4 years ago?

If not, what is your plan?

Happy Gswede Sunday!


The scene in front of me on a lovely Sunday walk in Stockholm

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the morning inspiration. I totally agree, it is important that we evaluate ourselves and our present situations. Humans have the intelligence to make the conscience choice to be better and to do better. Why not take advantage of it? As for me...I love planning and evaluating so it will be fun for me to write down my plan! Now, lets just see if I can get my boyfriend to do the same way!
